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Natural Soap


Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $25.00 USD
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Our moisturizing Les Woody moisturizing body butter is a Rich woody notes of cedarwood, white oak, and musky oakmoss highlighted with a touch of citrus and green freshness.

A naturally formulated blend made with body nourishing butter and oil, that are filled with tons of moisturizing component.  High nutritious vitamins and fatty acid, which helps to revitalize the skin and improve healthy skin complexion and locks up moisture.

Body Butter is great for dry skin, itchy skin, reduces wrinkles, soothes sunburn, eczema and rash, nourishes skin with vitamins and antioxidant, reduces the appearance of stretch marks. 

Our body butter is a blend of Mango Seed Butter, Kokum Butter, Shea Butter and Rich Oils.  Mango Butter is highly moisturizing; it helps soften skin. It has a high component of Vitamin E and C. I t also helps protect the skin from environmental stressor like Sunlight.  

 Kokum Butter also softens the skin, restores skin elasticity for a youthful glow. Its light texture doesn't clog the pores. Kokum Butter is filled with Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties. 

Shea Butter boast skin moisture contains anti-inflammatory properties that soothe skin problems, and it fights breakout.

Body butter can feel very greasy on skin, in this recipe we incorporated Arrowroot Powder to cut the oil texture and also help recipe absorb more quickly. It also gives it a light consistency. Arrowroot Powder also contains Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin B6 and it's known to provide relief from skin irritation such as rash, acne and skin sore.

Ingredients, Mango Seed Butter, Kokum Butter, Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, Sobic Acid, Vitamin E Oil, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Emulsifying Wax, Arrowroot Powder, Organic Zinc Oxide Powder and White Oak & Cedar EO and FO Blend.

White Oak & Cedar is also available in Handcrafted Soap, Body Wash and Beard Set. Pair it with any of these for a luxury treat.